Workshops > Engineering Education Research Workshop

International and Interregional Collaboration in Engineering Education Research

This workshop is being held under the auspices of the SEFI EER Working Group. The workshop will focus on collaboration in
Engineering Education Research (EER).
An invited panel will be asked to reflect on their collaborative EER experiences, particularly those that have been international or interregional in nature. Three specific questions will be posed to help focus the discussion. The questions are: What are the benefits of having a more internationally connected EER community? Do we need to be more international than we already are? What levels of focus (EER-wide vs. more specific research topics; individuals vs. organizations) seem to benefit most from
international collaboration and why?In what areas should we prioritize international EER initiatives for maximum benefit?

Following short presentations from each panellist, the audience will be invited to participate in the debate by way of an activity and discussion.

The session will aim to identify collaboration priorities for the global EER community based on the experiences, evidence and ideas of the workshop participants.

This workshop will be animated by  Maura Borrego, University of Texas Austin (USA) and Prof Robin Clark Aston University (UK), chair of the  SEFI WG EER

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